Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Baby's Breath & Mason Jars...

Alright, let’s get into the good stuff.

Planning for late September 2015

The venue: I have selected a winery. It’s a very historic area with stone work buildings, exposed wooden beams, high ceilings garnished with beautiful lighting. This place had the exact feel I was searching for… a little bit of fairy-tale and masculine enough at the same time. It’s just perfect!  (Not to mention the wine is fabulous!) ---I will reveal the name of the establishment once I actually book the date!
Theme: Well, since it’s a winery, and I happen to be a wino… I want to stay with that idea, the warmth of a vineyard and the romantic essence of it on its own.  I simply want to enhance it to my own taste. I will be adding touches of “vintagey”, rustic, barn yard type décor to tell the story I want portrayed. Overall, I’d call it romantic vineyard.

Décor: I have to admit I’m really into the overwhelming trend of mason jars! I enjoy the instant comfort that they emit.  I plan on using them not only for drinks, but for candle holders and the like. I also want to add in some haystacks for bench seating since the venue has a huge patio! I want to take advantage of that for sure. Maybe even make a “coffee table” as well.  On the tables for centerpieces, I want to use wood slabs, empty wine bottles, and candles. Simple and romantic!

Flowers: I’m not a huge lover of the dramatic flower arrangements from exotic countries. I’m a simple girl who just wants to use flowers to soften up all the stone and wood features. I plan on using a lot … I mean A LOT of baby’s breath.  It will pretty much be placed throughout the entire venue. I’m also thinking that maybe for some taller pieces I will use branches and spray-paint them to give that drama that everyone craves.

The Food: OK, I’m such a foodie and I love to cook… BUT I have found a catering company that is actually recommended by the venue and it has outstanding reviews! I will be doing a sit down dinner. I have no problems with buffets, except the fact that I don’t want to make people wait in line annnnd apparently it’s more expensive... more food needed, more money needed, makes sense. So sit down it is! I cannot wait to actually start sampling places. They've got an Italian cook they need to impress!

The Drinks: Just keep it flowing. That is all.

MY DRESS: This is the hardest part. I know I want something simple, classic, and not beaded.  I do however love lace! I’m probably going to go with an A-line cut dress with a lace overlay type!

There’s so much more to think about…  And so much time to do it in!

Monday, September 16, 2013


Where do you even start these things?  I guess I should start off by admitting I am not even engaged yet.  Well at least not by society’s terms that is…

My boyfriend, Dave and I live together, and have been dating for about a year and half now. We knew almost in an instant we were done with the search and dropped the fishing poles. The kind of proper engagement (the kind with the sparkling ring) hasn't occurred yet, since we happened to plan a very expensive but much needed and anticipated trip to Disney World!  (Priorities, I know!)  We want to save money and really get into plans to make this the best wedding we can think of to show our loved ones who we are as a couple and feel our love and happiness with us!

The way I see it is, we know it’s going to happen, so why not get started on planning, booking and saving without all the rushing??-- I'm not looking to get stressed or look like a haggard bride.

I wanted to give this blogging thing a try, and what’s more interesting than following someone along on the biggest journeys of their lives? So join me for these next 2 years on this crazy adventure of not even being engaged but planning my wedding to the love of my life! …. Let’s do this! J