Monday, September 16, 2013


Where do you even start these things?  I guess I should start off by admitting I am not even engaged yet.  Well at least not by society’s terms that is…

My boyfriend, Dave and I live together, and have been dating for about a year and half now. We knew almost in an instant we were done with the search and dropped the fishing poles. The kind of proper engagement (the kind with the sparkling ring) hasn't occurred yet, since we happened to plan a very expensive but much needed and anticipated trip to Disney World!  (Priorities, I know!)  We want to save money and really get into plans to make this the best wedding we can think of to show our loved ones who we are as a couple and feel our love and happiness with us!

The way I see it is, we know it’s going to happen, so why not get started on planning, booking and saving without all the rushing??-- I'm not looking to get stressed or look like a haggard bride.

I wanted to give this blogging thing a try, and what’s more interesting than following someone along on the biggest journeys of their lives? So join me for these next 2 years on this crazy adventure of not even being engaged but planning my wedding to the love of my life! …. Let’s do this! J

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